Moments after missile impact:
Major Douglas Rokke
, PhD, U.S. Army: "When you look at the damage, it was obviously a missile."
Fire fighters arrive & spray foam.
Missile exit hole.
Exit hole location.
Notice the lawn. Untouched, unscathed & no plane parts. Also take note of the black scarring of the building to the left.
Where is all that thick black smoke coming from? Notice the fire upper left.
The origin of the thick black smoke. But wait a minute. How far away is that fire and how did it get all the way over there? Those must be the offices of the auditors trying to figure out where the
2.3 trillion stolen dollars
went that
Don Rumsfeld claimed was "missing" on 9/10/2001.
Once again notice the black charring to the left but not to the right.
What are those fires doing way over there?
Notice how clean and how little damage there is to the right.
And now for the finale....
Here is your impact site. More Pentagon images
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If you're not very angry as a result of this evidence you should stop drinking
fluoridated water
immediately. Harvard just released a study
that people who drink fluoridated water have
lower IQ's
than the rest of us. It also causes
bone cancer
in boys.